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FRIDGE is the NFO Federated Specific Data and Products Gateway where you can discover all the data and scientific products available for the European NFOs.

NFO specific data (see definition under NFO in EUROPE) are available upon this site, while for getting other raw and non-specific data (Seismological & Geodetic), you will be redirected to other platforms developed by other Solid Earth communities, hosting dedicated web services.

Together with data discovery and accessibility, there is also a virtual environment to experience simple visualization tools describing multidisciplinary data and products (e.g., VP/VS and geochemical time series, seismicity distribution).

Below we report few examples showing how to navigate and use FRIDGE portal and services.

  • We recommend using Chrome and Firefox as favorite browsers.


Two use cases related to SEISMOLOGY, under Seismic Data.
  1. Viewing seismic stations distribution in map.
  2. How to proceed.
    1. Select station map.
    2. Select the NFO from the drop-down menu placed on top of the map.
    3. Now you should visualize the seismic stations of the chosen NFO.
    Clicking on the station icon you can visualize station name, location coordinates and you can directly go to VP/VS (time series) or Instrumental Earthquakes web services.
Always under Seismic data:
  1. Selecting instrumental earthquakes and viewing their distribution in map.
    1. Select Instrumental earthquakes.
    2. Select the NFO.
    3. Always modify the Time Range; from Start to End Date Time, including a specific selection of Day and Month. Note that based on the specific NFO database, there is a limit in the number of events for single selections. However, not all the DB are updated until now.
    4. Select Visualize or Download; note that for the downloads you have two choices: Text and QuakeML.
One use case related to GEOCHEMISTRY, under Geochemical Data.
  1. Viewing Radon data (time series).
    1. Select Radon
    2. Select the NFO from NFO drop-down menu.
    3. Select the station from the Station code drop-down menu.
    4. Always modify the Time Range; from Start to End Date Time, including a specific selection of Day and Month.
    5. Select Visualize or Download; note that for the downloads you have two choices: Text and Json.
    6. Now you should visualize the Radon time series.

One use case related to GEODESY, under Geodetic Data.

Download GNSS data and station information.

This is one type of data, same as Raw (e.g., waveforms) seismological ones, already available on a well-established portal managed by another Thematic community, thus the user is redirected to one of these portals.
